The Family Tree of George Gibson

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At the time of compiling, Nov. 2004, this is the known family of George Guthrie Gibson.

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All known members born with the BERGIN family name:






All known members born with the GIBSON family name:

Philip Adam

Charles Shufflebottom

Lewis Andrew


George Guthrie

George Guthrie






All known members born with the GUTHRIE family name:

Alice Maddison







All known members born with the FAIRNEY family name:





All known members born with the MADDISON family name:






All known members born with the LAWS family name:

Mary Jane Lewery




All known members born with the OLIVER family name:

Elizabeth Jane

Thomas Cairns





All known members born with the SOULSBY family name:





All known members born with the MICHESON family name:





All known members born with the HARDING family name:

Carolyn May

William John




All known members born with the MCDONALD family name:



Elizabeth Jean





Walter Joseph




All known members born with the SMITH family name:





All known members born with the NUTTER family name:

Raymond Martin




All known members born with the IMAM family name:





All known members born with the GREY family name:






Lewis Andrew GIBSON


Date of Birth: 1974

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: George Guthrie GIBSON & Carolyn May HARDING

Occupation of Lewis Andrew:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Harding List





Philip Adam GIBSON


Date of Birth: 1971

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: George Guthrie GIBSON & Carolyn May HARDING

Occupation of Philip Adam:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Harding List





Carolyn May HARDING


Date of Birth: 1948

Address at Birth: 50, Preston Road.

Names of Parents: William John HARDING  & Elsie GREY  

Occupation of Carolyn May:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Grey List

Harding List





George Guthrie GIBSON


Date of Birth: 1945

Address at Birth: Dilston Hall, Dilston.

Names of Parents: George Guthrie GIBSON & Veronica BERGIN

Occupation of George Guthrie:

Other addresses: At birth, 42, Wark Avenue, Grange Estate, Shiremoor.

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Bergin List





Raymond Martin NUTTER


Date of Birth: 1942

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Raymond Martin:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth: 1939

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: George Guthrie GIBSON & Veronica BERGIN

Occupation of Sonia:

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 12th May 1989

Cause of Death: 1 (a) Abdominal Carcinomatosis (b) Carcinoma of Breast.

Address at Death: St. Oswalds Hospice, Regent Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle.

Other Information:


Gibson List

Bergin List





Elizabeth Ann ?


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Elizabeth Ann:

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 18th February 1937

Cause of Death: 1(a) Senility

Address at Death: 20, Millfield Terrace, Gateshead.

Other Information:







Shirley GIBSON


Date of Birth: 1935

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: George Guthrie GIBSON & Veronica BERGIN

Occupation of Shirley:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Bergin List





Walter Joseph MCDONALD


Date of Birth: 23rd May 1922

Address at Birth: 20, Millfield Terrace, Gateshead.

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER

Occupation of Walter Joseph:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List





Thomas Cairns OLIVER


Date of Birth: 15th January 1914

Address at Birth: 12, Millfield Terrace, Gateshead.

Names of Parents: ? & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER

Occupation of Thomas Cairns:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Oliver List





Veronica BERGIN


Date of Birth: 23rd February 1912

Address at Birth: 12, Millfield Terrace, Gateshead.

Names of Parents: Denis BERGIN  & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER

Occupation of Veronica:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Bergin List

Oliver List





George Guthrie GIBSON


Date of Birth: 28th April 1909

Address at Birth: Hollywell Square, Hollywell.

Names of Parents: Charles Shufflebottom GIBSON & Alice Maddison GUTHRIE

Occupation of George Guthrie:

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 31st January 1998

Cause of Death: 1 (a) (L) Lower lobe pneumonia

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Guthrie List





Abraham GIBSON


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Abraham: Coal miner.

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 11th January 1905

Cause of Death: Chronic Nephritis,Uraemia, Pleurisy.

Address at Death: West Hollywell, Holywell.

Other Information:







Alice Maddison GUTHRIE 


Date of Birth: 31st, January 1891

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: George GUTHRIE  & Mary Jane Lewery LAWS

Occupation of Alice Maddison:

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 20th January 1985

Cause of Death: 1 (a) Lobar Pneumonia 2 Ischaemic heart disease.

Address at Death: Cauldwell House, Cauldwell Avenue, Drumoyne Gardens, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay.

Other Information:


Guthrie List

Laws List





Charles Shufflebottom GIBSON


Date of Birth: 3rd. August 1884

Address at Birth: Backworth.

Names of Parents: Abraham GIBSON  & Elizabeth FAIRNEY

Occupation of Charles Shufflebottom:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Gibson List

Fairney List







Date of Birth: 29th April 1868

Address at Birth: Seaton Sluice, Hartley.

Names of Parents: George GUTHRIE  & Alice MADDISON

Occupation of George: Coal miner.

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 18th September 1895

Cause of Death: Acute peritonitis collapse.

Address at Death: Benton Square, Longbenton.

Other Information:


Guthrie List

Maddison List





Mary Jane Lewery LAWS


Date of Birth: 20th July 1867

Address at Birth: Backworth.

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Mary Jane Lewery:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:







Elizabeth FAIRNEY


Date of Birth: 23rd August 1861

Address at Birth: Square, Willington.

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Elizabeth:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth: 17th May 1842

Address at Birth: Township, Hartley.

Names of Parents: John GUTHRIE & Ann SOULSBY

Occupation of George: Founder in bottle works.

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 24th February 1868

Cause of Death: Phthisis, 1 year certified

Address at Death: Seaton Sluice, Hartley.

Other Information:


Guthrie List

Soulsby List







Date of Birth: 5th February 1840

Address at Birth: Seaton Sluice, Hartley.

Names of Parents: John MADDISON & Isabella MICHESON

Occupation of Alice:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


Maddison List

Micheson List







Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Denis:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:







Elizabeth Jane OLIVER


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Elizabeth Jane:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Ann:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of John:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of John:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:







Isabella MICHESON   


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Isabella:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:







William John HARDING 


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of William John:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of James:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER 

Occupation of Andrew:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List





Elizabeth Jean MCDONALD


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER

Occupation of Elizabeth Jean:

Other addresses:

Date of Death: 12th September 1997

Cause of Death: 1 (a) Bronchopneumonia, 2 Recent fracture.

Address at Death: Birchdale Clinic, Moore Street, Gateshead.

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List







Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER  

Occupation of Philip:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List







Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER

Occupation of George:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List







Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: James MCDONALD & Elizabeth Jane OLIVER 

Occupation of Florence:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Oliver List







Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Mona:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:









Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents: Walter Joseph MCDONALD & Mona SMITH 

Occupation of Heather:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:


McDonald List

Smith List





Akbar IMAM                                                  


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Akbar:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:







Elsie GREY                                                  


Date of Birth:

Address at Birth:

Names of Parents:

Occupation of Elsie:

Other addresses:

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

Address at Death:

Other Information:






Groom's Name: George Guthrie GIBSON

Bride's Name: Veronica BERGIN    

Date of Marriage: 16th February 1935

Address of Groom: 14, Northumberland Terrace, Backworth.

Address of Bride: 20, Millfield Terrace, Gateshead.


Groom's Father's Name: Charles Shufflebottom Gibson

Bride's Father's Name: Denis Bergin

Groom's Father's Occupation: Gold miner

Bride's Father's Occupation:

Witnesses: Thomas C. Oliver, Ida Milburn



Groom's Name: John GUTHRIE  

Bride's Name: Ann SOULSBY  

Date of Marriage:

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:


Groom's Father's Name:

Bride's Father's Name:

Groom's Father's Occupation:

Bride's Father's Occupation:




Groom's Name: Thomas OLIVER 

Bride's Name: Elizabeth Ann ?  

Date of Marriage:

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:


Groom's Father's Name:

Bride's Father's Name:

Groom's Father's Occupation:

Bride's Father's Occupation:





Groom's Name: Raymond Martin NUTTER  

Bride's Name: Carolyn May HARDING  

Date of Marriage: 28th April 1990

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:


Groom's Father's Name:

Bride's Father's Name: William John

Groom's Father's Occupation:

Bride's Father's Occupation:





Groom's Name: George Guthrie GIBSON

Bride's Name: Carolyn May HARDING  

Date of Marriage: 14th October 1967

Address of Groom: 34,milfield Avenue, Park Estate, Shiremoor.

Address of Bride: 10, Lower Crone Street, Bertram Place, Shiremoor.

Condition: Spinster

Groom's Father's Name: George Guthrie Gibson

Bride's Father's Name: William John Harding

Groom's Father's Occupation: Painter

Bride's Father's Occupation: Surveyer

Witnesses: Brian Rowell, Edith Ann Rowell





Groom's Name: Abraham GIBSON  

Bride's Name: Elizabeth FAIRNEY  

Date of Marriage: 19th December 1881

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:

Condition: Spinster

Groom's Father's Name: Charles Gibson

Bride's Father's Name: Thomas Fairney

Groom's Father's Occupation: Stone Mason

Bride's Father's Occupation: Miner

Witnesses: John Douglass, Isabella Hunter.





Groom's Name: George GUTHRIE

Bride's Name: Mary Jane Lewery LAWS   

Date of Marriage: 7th April 1890

Address of Groom: Backworth

Address of Bride: Backworth

Condition: Spinster

Groom's Father's Name: George Guthrie

Bride's Father's Name: Robert Laws

Groom's Father's Occupation: Bottle Maker

Bride's Father's Occupation: Miner

Witnesses: Thos E. Laws, Mary Jane Laws.





Groom's Name: John MADDISON    

Bride's Name: Isabella MICHESON 

Date of Marriage:

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:


Groom's Father's Name:

Bride's Father's Name:

Groom's Father's Occupation:

Bride's Father's Occupation:






Groom's Name: George GUTHRIE  

Bride's Name: Alice MADDISON 

Date of Marriage:

Address of Groom:

Address of Bride:

Condition: Spinster

Groom's Father's Name: John GUTHRIE

Bride's Father's Name: John MADDISON

Groom's Father's Occupation:

Bride's Father's Occupation:






Groom's Name: Charles Shufflebottom GIBSON  

Bride's Name: Alice Maddison GUTHRIE   

Date of Marriage: 13th March 1909

Address of Groom: Holywell Square

Address of Bride: Hollywell Square

Condition: Spinster

Groom's Father's Name: Abraham Gibson

Bride's Father's Name: George Guthrie

Groom's Father's Occupation: Miner

Bride's Father's Occupation: Miner

Witnesses: Joseph Robert Baker, Florence Jane Baker.




Groom's Name: James MCDONALD 

Bride's Name: Elizabeth Jane OLIVER 

Date of Marriage: 23rd October 1920

Address of Groom: 20, Millfield Terrace East, Gateshead.

Address of Bride: 20, Millfield Terrace East, Gateshead.

Condition: Widower, Spinster.

Groom's Father's Name: John McDonald

Bride's Father's Name: Thomas Oliver

Groom's Father's Occupation: Farmer

Bride's Father's Occupation: Farmer

Witnesses: Thomas Reilly, M. A. Harker





Groom's Name: Walter Joseph MCDONALD   

Bride's Name: Mona SMITH 

Date of Marriage: 5th April 1947

Address of Groom: Gateshead

Address of Bride: Birling

Condition: Bachelor, Spinster.

Groom's Father's Name: James McDonald

Bride's Father's Name:

Groom's Father's Occupation: Foreman

Bride's Father's Occupation:







BERGIN , Veronica, Denis, GIBSON , Philip Adam, Charles Shufflebottom, Lewis Andrew, Abraham, George Guthrie, George Guthrie, Shirley, Sonia, GUTHRIE , Alice Maddison, George, George, John, FAIRNEY , Elizabeth, MADDISON , Alice, John, LAWS , Mary Jane Lewery, OLIVER , Elizabeth Jane, Thomas Cairns, Elizabeth Ann, SOULSBY , Ann, MICHESON , Isabella, HARDING , Carolyn May, William John, MCDONALD , James, Andrew, Elizabeth Jean, Philip, George, Florence, Heather, Walter Joseph, SMITH , Mona, NUTTER , Raymond Martin, IMAM , Akbar, GREY , Elsie,