Julie and Lance, Personal Website of Julie Harris and Lance Thompson, including; Latest; Julie’s Geeky Gardener Blog; What Inspired me; Cycle Routes; Cycling Grading System, Walking Routes; Favourite Wines; Food; Recipes; Archive; Ideas and Geeky Electrical Electronic Tools; Family and Friends Pages; Sandy and Graham Harris; Italian Connection; George Gibson; Ashley Johnson.


Personal Website of Julie and Lance

Intended for our family and friends: to keep them up with our adventures


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The night of Thursday 10th October 2024


The best display of the Aurora Borealis we’ve experience since moving to Scotland 20-years ago!


The aurora filled one-half of the sky: from east to west and to the north.


Looking due-east: the aurora in reds and greens


It was also very dynamic!



The aurora was also directly overhead


And to the north


And the west


And over the sitooterie (see May 2018 in the Archive) with its auto-night-light glowing


We were out for over an hour, with little sign of the aurora abating.


But cold and sleepiness drove us to bed..

