Six on Saturday 12-11-22

By mid-November, my #SixonSaturday offerings are often reduced to bits of the garden I’ve tidied or let rip for winter: not this year. This week we have had the highest November night time temperature ever around here at 15 deg C. I had assumed that, as someone within a decade of retirement, I wouldn’t get to see the effects of climate change. I think that assumption may have been wrong. But let’s focus on the joys that can still be had from the garden, with this week’s theme of ‘what’s still going?’.

I’ve always loved drifting around gardening Twitter on a Saturday morning (@julie3dharris). But I’m not sure I want to stay in what looks like an increasingly hostile environment that may not respect my data privacy. So I’m (for now at least) also posting on Mastodon:

For the first time, I have my summer window boxes still on the go, no need to bring into the greenhouse and prune for winter yet. There’s nothing as cheerful as a bright red pelargonium.

In the greenhouse, there isn’t enough space for the pellies yet anyway, as tomatoes are somehow still ripening.

Waiting in the wings to go into my dark winter courtyard are a couple of boxes of winter violets. Despite very high winds, they are doing their best to get into flower now.

It has been a tremendous apple year. Eaters came early, didn’t store well, and have long been eaten or turned into juice. With mild weather and very high winds, I’m picking up 2 buckets a day of cookers. I like juice from these, but my partner finds the juice too sour…any ideas for novel apple use?

I’d always thought that snap-dragons were annuals in the Scottish climate. These were grown from seed for me by a dear friend, in spring 2021. They came through last winter and look like they are ready to take on this one too.

Last but not least, a smoke-bush is offering it’s last flash of brightness. It wasn’t possible to catch these is a quiet moment, but perhaps you can get a feel for the 25 mph winds that have lashed the garden all day.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter. I wonder if we can also get the sixes going on Masterdon? For regulars, apparently theĀ Propagator is taking a rest, but has handed his trowel over to Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now on masterdon

2 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 12-11-22

  1. Those tomatoes look very healthy, I had to cut mine down as the while fly and mildew set in. I shall stay with Twitter at the moment ans wait and see.

  2. Sharing your concerns, I did take a look at Mastodon but I haven’t signed up yet. Twitter is looking rather precarious. I don’t expect Antirrhinums to be perennial in Cornwall either but I seem to have them self sowing quite a bit, which I’m very happy with.

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