Six on Saturday 4-1-25

The start of a new year. Each time it happens now I feel old, how did we get 25% into the 21st century, and what a mess we’ve got our world into……but enough of that. The first snow-sprinkle of the year has given my garden a fresh perspective. A new year also brings new ideas for the garden, new growth, even a few new blooms. I have a new hip going into this new year (3 weeks old!), so can’t get down as far as I’d like for close-ups, but I had a try, to find lots of little gems for the first #SixOnSaturday of the year.

The VERY first persicarium flower of the year was spotted this morning, poking out from a recent sprinkle of snow. What a delight.

On evergreen plants there are often winter berries. This shrub has had lots, but only a few are hidden enough to evade the squabbling blackbirds.

This creeping oleander vine can be a bit of a spreading menace at warmer times, but just now, its little flowers glowing against the sun-warmed house wall look lovely. I have always admired the slightly spiral form of the petals.

On a winter bench, I have small tubs of species tulips beginning to appear. Last year, they enjoyed a little winter sun, came early, then got hammered by pouring rain. This year, I’ll take care to move to the greenhouse if there’s rain due when they get into flower.

My favourite winter bloom is the hellebore, and this purple specimen is my favourite of them all. Starting to flower now, with wonderful simple blooms. It is always hard to see the full flower due to their nodding habit.

A cold day today, the pond was just beginning to thaw a little to allow garden birds to come to wash and drink. The textured surface looks peacefully beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed my first #SixOnSaturday for the year. It is midwinter, yet just a short stagger into the garden on a sunny day brings hope and joy. Thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, it’s a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

1 thought on “Six on Saturday 4-1-25

  1. I’m going to check my hellebores this afternoon because I should see some colours anyway. Nice creeping oleander vine and of course a Happy New Year to you Julie!

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