Early February is still very much winter, and I’ve been feeling the cold, and a bit glum. But it’s seldom been properly cold this winter, often 9-12 degC. I think that’s why the garden is apparently stirring. So here, goes, lots of winter colour and light for my #SixonSaturday this week. Time to get out and let the light and colour blow away all the bad news days.
I planted up a couple of window box planters with little winter/spring plants. So far, they been enjoying the full south-facing sunny terrace. Now they’ve made their move to deliver their garden joy, they will be placed into my cold and shady courtyard: flowers will last longer, and greet the postie as they bring us the mail.

I’ve never had too much success with crocus. A couple of clumps have started to naturalise in a rather satisfying way this year. Here’s one.

It is hard not to spend hours of fun photographing the hazel tree on a sunny day. The catkins are now doing their stuff, magnificent, though have not seen the tiny red female flowers yet.

Back down on the ground, the first tubs of tulips are giving it a go. Not too much mouse damage this year, I guess because we’ve only had one night of snow.

I have a good few beds to smooth over and deliver the ‘no-dig’ cardboard and compost treatment. I keep thinking ‘plenty of time yet’. Already though, there’s action in the perennial corner. I can’t help feeling it really IS much too early for rhubarb to be appearing.

Last but not least, back to the spring bulb table. I was busy trying to be artful with shots of the iris, when this little chap (or chapess) photobombed the scene. Are they enjoying the iris too, or hoping I’ll crack on with the photos and then get to the bird feeders?

That’s my #SixonSaturday this week. Stay safe and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter and via the web from links to the originator of #SixonSaturday, theĀ Propagator himself.