I love my garden, but with some occasional rain now in the picture, the growth is TOTALLY out of control. Lots to love….so time for me start some colour theming for #SixonSaturday. Given the mid-spring season, it has to be blue/purple, and will start, of course, with bluebells (though apologies that they are Spanish…this is what I found when we moved here..invasive, but still beautiful).

There are some wildflowers that pop up amongst my pots that I love to leave until they threaten to swamp them. Alkanet is one…big, thick, almost spikey leaves host tiny little flowers. There will be a vaseful later this weekend to replace some finished tulips.

One of the first annuals to get going (especially when started in the greenhouse) is cerinthe. For several years I have saved my own seed from this weird and wonderful plant. In a good year, they flower for months.

Also at the very start of their season are a copious number of aquilegia. The purple ones pop up most all round the borders. Annoyingly, a huge windstorm on Friday 13th has blasted many to the ground….perhaps there will be many vases of flowers this weekend.

We have witnessed another dry spring in Fife, after a mild winter. The conditions have proved perfect for rosemary, flowering prolifically, growing by 30cm, I’ve way to much to use in the kitchen.

Last this week, the very first allium heralds the next flowering season. This one is the first, I suspect many more will be showing up in #Six’s this season.

That’s my #SixonSaturday for this week. Stay safe, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter and via the web from links to the originator of #SixonSaturday, theĀ Propagator himself.