Late spring I guess, and we’re well into May. It’s almost time for Chelsea (I’m SO EXCITED, going down to London for my first EVER Chelsea Flower Show next week). So what to choose? Pink has tickled my fancy this week, so that’s what you’ll see here for my #SixonSaturday. My first offering this week is a bit of cheat. Last weekend I visited the wonderful Branklyn Garden, in Perth, full of acid loving pitcher plants and spring bulbs. On the way home, I felt inspired and couldn’t resist a bright pink candelbra primula, now nestled in the boggy-bit, next to the pond. It’s gorgeous, so I hope it likes it there.

Next, something rather different: the coarse leaves of persicaria are not my favourite thing, but the delicate popsicles of flowers are lovely, bobbing about in the big border.

My house is wreathed in very old clematis montana. After years of getting out of hand, I hacked a lot of it back to 1m off the ground this winter (it was over 1m deep in places). I am pleased to see that it has started to come back. The flowers are simple, pretty and fragrant. That’s all I need.

My late spring garden is full of Spanish bluebells. they are thugs, but I love the colour, especially when they also come in pink.

Purple usually dominates the huge numbers of aquilegia that pop up in May. Perhaps I managed to stop them self-seeding, as this year I’m hosting other colours, including a pale pink little bonnet. Such a complex flower.

Last, but very much not least, a rhododendron at it’s very best. This one’s outrageous pinkness dominates the garden and can be seen from the lane into the village. Wow, I never tire of it’s annual display.

That’s my #SixonSaturday for this week. Stay safe, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter and via the web from links to the originator of #SixonSaturday, theĀ Propagator himself.