No frost, still lots of flowers, I’ll go for warm autumn colours for this week’s #SixonSaturday. Of course, the first must be dahlia. This is a small plant, with perfect little red flowers. Well above the ground, it has managed to avoid critter damage.
Himalayan honey-suckle got hit by the summer heat, slowed down, but now is doing its flowery thing.
Summer bedding in window boxes and pots has geld on. Perhaps this is the last chance to show them off before they head for the greenhouse and an autumn prune.
Autumn raspberries are offering two bowls full per week, still sweet, delicious, although a bit battered by the strong winds.
Autumn colour is coming. Blueberry bushes have long finished their fruit but now putting on a lovely show of foliage.
Last, and of course, never least. Another stunning red dahlia. I’m going to move a few pots into the greenhouse to see if I can extend the flowering season.
That’s my #SixonSaturday for this week. Stay safe, take care out there, get a flu jab if you can afford to (its going to be a tough old winter, again) and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter and via the web from links to the originator of #SixonSaturday, theĀ Propagator himself.