It feels like a long autumn – in a good way. There’s barely been a frost (just-about one morning), trees are still partly green, and the garden has some colour. To celebrate, I’ve gone for a mishmash of flowers and foliage for this week’s #SixonSaturday
First up, witch hazel foliage is offering a bright yellow patch of colour in a shady corner.
I’ve tried various mixes of nasturtium this year and come up with some lovely colours. In a close-up the flowers details are beautiful.
Although their main offering of lush flowers was many months ago, peony foliage provides some lovely colour just now.
Hardy fuschia love Scotland. These looked absolutely hammered in the heatwave, but with the late summer rains, they have recovered and are at their best now.
Boston ivy on an east-facing wall is doing that colour change thing. I like the way you can see how the chlorophyll slowly drains from each leaf to reveal a vivid red.
Last, but not least, another lovely nasturtium. I hope they keep going for a few more weeks.
That was my attempt to keep chipper with colour, despite world and national chaos. I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, get a flu jab if you can afford to (its going to be a tough old winter, again) and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter and via the web from links to the originator of #SixonSaturday, theĀ Propagator himself.