Bonfire night in the UK. By now there have usually been a few frosts and masses of leaf fall. It’s starting, but still rather warm, which has led to some garden surprises that feature as my #SixonSaturday this week.
In the greenhouse, I have edibles. I guess it is a bit optimistic to hope for more ripening on tomatoes, but I don’t have the heart to pick them and clear out the plants yet.

A new variety of chilli for me, Chilhuacle Negro, have been reaching their ripe brown state — interesting variety, hot yet also sweet and rich. I’ll try them again next year.

Into the garden proper now, and cooking apples are looking ripe and juicy. There’s more of a flush of pink/red this year, and this lot are sweet enough to make delicious juice.

There’s a splash of colour coming from the last blast of euphorbia foliage. Stunning red. I’ll have to try these in a vase before they finally collapse.

Flowers too. I have been vigilant in deadheading a couple of late-flowering budlija, and here’s one, still performing for me. Perhaps also feeding the odd late hoverfly or bee.

Last, but very much not least…..WHAT a year we’re having for nerine. Perhaps baking hot and dry weather in summer offers these kinds of compensation.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on twitter. For regulars, apparently theĀ Propagator is taking a rest, but has handed his trowel over to Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens.
I’m still discovering sixes via Twitter, a whole other world. I’m astonished that you have apples still on your tree, the last of mine fell a week ago and the leaves followed them off the tree. I have nerines too, also over, and they came from my sister in Turriff. Small world.