The light at this time of year can be magical: I’ll share some of that magic in my #SixOnSaturday. Goodness knows, I need it! I’m finding it hard to find much in the garden, except rest….rest from the endless growing. Perhaps just as well as I have lots of tidying to do before spring.
Starting with amazing light, I find it hard to capture in a photo. Then I noticed great swathes of light, sucked into reflection off the icy pond.

My second this week is a medley of icy bits and pieces on the lawn. As you can see my lawn is about 20% grass, 10% weeds (wildflowers) and 70% moss….looks nice with a scattering of leaves and some frost.

I have saved some foliage for a little winter interest, places for insects to hide, and generally the inability to tidy the garden yet. Phlomis seed heads do look lovely at this time of year.

There has been some cold clear weather this week, so my next two show off the beautiful blue sky. Rhododendron buds have a long way to go yet, but look at the BLUE.

It is good to keep looking up. Today there were chaffinch and even a bullfinch foraging on buds at the top of a tall whitebeam. The shape is picked out nicely against the cold blue sky.

It did get very cold…..back in the house new things are happening. My best pot of chilli seedlings so far are from seed I forgot to label. Big seeds, so perhaps from a big chilli? I’m hoping its Ohnivec (from, these were delicious last year.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon
Despite the cold and the ice, you managed to take very nice photos and your first photo is really very successful. I can see that your chili seedlings are as advanced as mine. It’s perfect !
Had some web troubles, so only just got to this comment…..yeh, looking good. It’s cold again here, but I got some sunny photos this morning, so working now on my new Six.