A dreich week in eastern Scotland, low cloud, mist, chilly easterly breeze. Yet I had to get out and pop the plant supports in: growth is bursting forth. With too many blooms to choose from, I’ve gone off-piste this week to show you how my home-grown veg is coming on for #SixOnSaturday.
I will start in the greenhouse. This year, I’m pleased I’ve left the courgettes in here, as there have been many cold nights. I’ve only got 2 decent plants so far, so busy sowing more seeds. This is waiting for warmer nights to be put into a hopefully-sunny spot.

Lots of tomatoes are now braving the greenhouse. This one is a ‘sprawling bush’ variety, called Urbukany, should be producing fruit in 6 weeks or so. It’s in its final position now, in prime position in the south-west corner of the greenhouse bench.

I tried a new trick this spring. Growing pak choi in a tub that can be moved in and out of the greenhouse as the weather dictates. Has been very successful, with no slug or bird damage at all. And I have baby plants ready to go in for crop 2.

Into the cold of the veg bed. Broad beans were planted out in mid-March. They have shivered their way into growth but are beginning to kick into growth now.

I recently planted out a few broccoli. Despite being thrashed about by a gale, they are looking perky now.

Last, but very much not least, I am in the process of planting a new strawberry bed. Although not all of the plants are in yet, some of them are developing flowers. Lots of promise for the eating season ahead.

Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. Join the sixes on Mastodon via #SixOnSaturday (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at https://gardenruminations.co.uk/. Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon @julie3dharris@mastodon.scot