So many lovely flowers all around the garden. We wait so long for summer and it flies by so fast: already we’ve reached blooming time for my favourite flowers of the year. Let me show them to you: this is a dahlia special for my #SixOnSaturday this week.
I will get started with one of the fancy ones from a posh online provider. Wonderful detail in the soft peachy petals, fabulous flower centre with red and yellow stamens, a real treat for hoverflies.

I am also very fond of the more traditional varieties, although these do turn out to be a struggle for insects to enjoy too. Here is the biggest, boldest red one I have, blooms are bigger than a large hand.

This one is quite probably a ‘Bishop’s children’: they can be grown from seed or from tubers and each tends to have a slightly different colour to the petals.

This one was chosen a couple of years ago for the name: ‘tangerine dream’. The actual colour is not particularly convincingly tangerine, but rather lovely to look at in any case.

Smaller flowers, traditional type again, WHAT a sumptuous rich colour. I could look at this one for hours.

To top the lot, I’m very pleased to have managed to winter the tuber for a wonderful, almost perfectly white cactus type. The plant is 1m tall, the flowers elegant. Apparently resistant to rain damage too.

That’s my #SixOnSaturday for this week. I feel so fortunate to live in a place that (so far this year) has not suffered from horrible heat, or splattering storms. There are few t-shirt days in a Scottish summer, but that is beginning to look like a huge advantage for the garden lover.
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