Mid-September finds me in denial about the end of summer. I do love summer. Let’s keep it going for just a bit longer with some wonderful Dahlias for my #SixOnSaturday. First up is a very simple one, grown from seed, that the bees love. Simple open flower, vibrant lemon yellow.

More beautiful in its structure and perfection of form, it is hard not to love a full orange cactus-style flower.

To really ramp up the glamour, I actually remember the name of this one: Totally Tangerine. Not sure the name fully fits, but the complexity of flower, stamens, shape, make this a very interesting variety.

Hard to know where to go after that one, so right back to the simplicity of a single coloured, pure white, and satisfyingly large flower.

This next one is a very cheerful type, I love the way the petals seems to flow from yellow through to red. Then there’s a lovey flush of both colours at the centre of the flower.

I think this next one is a new one this year, back to the simplest of flowers and a single strong colour. what a rich vibrant red.

I would challenge anyone not to love all these dahlia. I’ve been growing them just a few years, mostly in pots. They bring thrills and spills of colour and form to the late summer garden. Hope you enjoyed this week’s six favourites.
That’s my #SixOnSaturday for this week. Join the sixes on Mastodon or other instances in the Fediverse via #SixOnSaturday, we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at https://gardenruminations.co.uk/. Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m on mastodon @julie3dharris@mastodon.scot