Some unseasonal warmth has finally arrived, 10 deg C in the garden, up to 12 in the greenhouse. Even a day of warmth and low winds is making everything live a little faster. Here are a few garden delights that got thoughts of spring going this week for #SixOnSaturday. What isn’t quite over are the snowdrops, so I’ll start with a few of them. I planted just a few a decade ago in this border and they have naturalised nicely.

My favourite hellebore has appeared already in #SixOnSaturday this season, but I just want to sit and look at it all day, what a joy. Here you go, you can too.

Hazel catkins are in flower today, even the tiny red female flower is out, above the 4th-from left male flower.

Drumstick primulas will be while, their buds are amazing, they look like some alien egg is lurking under those early leaves.

Some friends gave me a sorbia sorbifolia a few years ago. They have huge ones at their house by the coast. 20 miles inland, I think we’re close to being a bit too cold. This one is alive and kicking so far though, fabulous dual-coloured early foliage.

And finally, with today’s sun the croci spread their petals wide. The first bees of the year were out enjoying their nectar. I’m rather pleased I caught this one ‘bathing’ in nectar.

I hope you enjoyed my ‘still wintery yet dreaming of spring’ picks for #SixOnSaturday this week. The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon
Here too, the hazel catkins are in open and allergy sufferers can’t stop sneezing!
Bathing in nectar is exactly the right word 😂
Wow….I didn’t realise catkins cause allergies…of course! Looks like we might get 12 deg and sunny tomorrow, so it might be 18 or so in the greenhouse. Time to sow seeds. I’d love to be on a bike instead, but just 2 weeks out of hip surgery, so if I can stand for an hour in the greenhouse, that’s a big win!
Good luck with the surgery…I hope there won’t be too much post-op pain for you and that you will return to the garden quickly
Thank you….already happened on 7th Feb…had a good first week, but this week is harder…..I’ve been to the greenhouse too much!
indeed, I had read it wrong…
Lovely to see that bee. I must look harder to see the female flowers on the hazels trees near here.
I saw my first bee yesterday in the sunshine. Such a wonderful sight. Back to rain today though.