Six on Saturday 29-6-24

As flaming June draws to a close, I’ve noticed that despite the fact we;ve had just about 2 warm days this month, the flowers and tress have LOVED the cool weather. I guess that makes me happier about spending more time here in my own garden, this summer. To celebrate how much my flowers have enjoyed the weather, I’ve found a pink treat for my #SixOnSaturday this week.

First up, BANG, a new variety of cosmos has justed started to flower. This one seems to be cheekily winking at us.

In contrast, it is almost end-of-seaon time for foxglove, which have had a long cold end of spring to really do their thing. Yes, oddly, those are mushrooms in the background!

I love a poeny. Their season is short and they get blown flat as their blooms are so large. But what a gorgeous textured flower. Yummy.

A new venture for me this year (well actually last year as they are sown in early autumn) have been dianthus. I have quite a range, all grown from seed. This was a lovely addition to this year’s garden. This one is such a wonderful colour.

Always wonderful, full of tiny little detail, the blooms of this astrantia are the most delicate of pinks.

Last but not least. I have managed to overwinter a couple of zantedeschia. This one has just decide to flower, the swirly pink will deepen as the flower grows.

I hope you enjoyed my midsummer blooms. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

2 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 29-6-24

  1. I posted the same variety of cosmos! Same colour as you. Very pretty peony flower that you presented to us this week too. And congrats for the pink dianthus

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