Into December, this weekend is our 4th major storm of the season. These storms are getting regular in the winter. We REALLY need to attend to fossil fuel burning…..and in the garden, things are quiet and I’m struggling to fins much to look at as we head to the darkest days. A bit of a mish-mash therefore for my #SixOnSaturday
I managed to catch some blue skies somehow and discovered that hazel catkins are already on their way.

In another part of the garden, ivy are coming into full flower. They do have an interesting form, noticeable when the rest of the garden goes to sleep.

Down at ground level, a borage plant has somehow got the wrong message. This really isn’t a great time to be trying to flower.

In the hedge, some hawthorn has held onto it’s Autumn colour for just a few more days.

In another sheltered spot, pulmonaria is trying to grow. this will be bad news, as heavy frosts and snow to come will simply turn this to mush in a few days or weeks. Ah well, good for the soil I guess!

To finish off this week, I wonder if this will be the last vase of the year of fresh flowers. A few plants are giving it a go, so I will continue to pick. In the background on the windowsill, you can see my Xmas cactus has decided to go early…as usual!

Thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, it’s a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon