Six on Saturday 22-2-25

February is a short month on paper, yet the grey cool days drag on….except now it’s 12 deg and we have a few days promised of warmer, yet grey and windy. It was tricky to collect garden joy this week as we’ve had wind and rain too. This week, therefore, I’ve focused my camera on activities in the house and greenhouse for my #SixOnSaturday.

First, in the warmth of a warm windowsill, the first tiny tomato seedlings are on their way.

In the greenhouse, I’ve completed a first stage of potting-on, for a cluster of little pak-choi, that I hope will be eaten before the greenhouse warms too much. We will see if they quickly enough.

I can’t remember quite when sweet William were sown, sometime in autumn. Sheltering in the greenhouse for now, I’ll maybe pot them out in a month or so, they are starting to grow away nicely.

An overwintering experiment that sometimes works looks like it might this year. I have been trying to overwinter Alberto Rococo chilli plants in the greenhouse. Sometimes they rot. This year, at least one looks like it’s going to make it. Some new growth has been spotted. Up close, the furriness of the leaves are rather attractive.

My last two are both overwintering flowering plants. First, a friend gave me an orange-scented geranium a few years ago. The leaves offer up a delicious smell when rubbed. These grow very well from cuttings, I have a dozen or more plants now. Some of them are starting this seasons flowers.

I’ll finish this week with a shot of a much loved osteospermum. This one was grown from a tiny potted plant. It spends part of summer in the garden, all of winter in the greenhouse, and seems to flower for abut 10 months with gorgeous purple blooms.

I hope you enjoyed yet another ‘late winter’ (??) #SixOnSaturday, this time with the promise of spring coming. Thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, it’s a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

1 thought on “Six on Saturday 22-2-25

  1. I haven’t started my tomato seedlings yet, but I have recently planted some lettuce and pak choi, but I don’t see anything yet. The scent of this scented geranium must be really nice. I really like these fragrant plants when you rub them.

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