August is the time for harvesting veg, feeling chuffed about the successes of chilli, toms and beans, wishing I’d got more radish in, and wondering why beetroot just didn’t grow at all. Also, a week to to until the local Annual Flower Show, so need to sing gently to my plants. here are 6 of the best so far for #SixOnSaturday.
Nothing nicer than a courgette flower, except a flower with fruit behind (this one isn’t).

Brassicas do SO well in eastern Scotland, especially in a year like this, with low butterfly numbers (but I do wish there were more…it is too cool and damp). Cavalo Nero is a favourite, with gorgeous texture and colour that it retains when steamed or stir-fried.

In the greenhouse I’ve realised that less is more with fewer chilli plants, in bigger pots, giving me more chillies. Now a little bit of sun to heat them up would be great.

I am looking forward to Queen of the Night ripening up. She’s a rich purple-black tomato, medium sized. Hoping that the promised black-to-red interior colour will appear as the seed provider promised.

Back in the garden, it has been so cool this summer that spring-planted chard hasn’t bolted, each plant is growing strong, will be a great autumn crop.

Last but not least, a much more transient garden joy: runner beans, looks like we’re going to have a huge crop this year.

That’s my #SixOnSaturday for this week. Join the sixes on Mastodon or other instances in the Fediverse via #SixOnSaturday, we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m on mastodon