There was no six for me last week, as on family care duty. but I’m home this week, wandering through a totally sodden garden, but with a lot going on still, as there’s been little frost. iInoticed this week that rats had tunnelled into the greenhouse to eat recently planted tulips..I have no idea how many they’ve dug up…AHHH, rural life! Anyway, all I’ve managed this week is a selection of bits and pieces of what’s going on in the garden. Here are my #SixOnSaturday.
A lovely beech hedge lights up the short autumn days now. There are many many beech around here, so a local walk, even in fog and mist, is rewarding, and will be for a few more weeks.

On the flowering front, a tiny little hardy geranium is still trying to do its thing.

Back in the garden boundary, ivy is providing some sustenance for any insects still remaining.

One or two shrubs are forming a flower here and there. Pruning a hebe, and having no frosts yet, seems to result in blooms.

Seed heads can provide structure and beauty, like a swathe of clematis seed heads.

Last, but not least, a few roses are cheering up the dark dreich days.

There goes my surprisingly colourful #SixOnSaturday for this week. Join the sixes on Mastodon or other instances in the Fediverse via #SixOnSaturday, we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m on mastodon
I do like the photo of the clematis seed heads in the wind! Bravo
Thanks Fred….all cut down now as a strong wind came in during this week! I use the debris as ‘critter cover’ — I pushed a few armfuls under a huge holly tree for insects and small mammals to get some winter cover.