Six on Saturday 24-2-24

24th February. It’s my Mom’s 84th birthday, and I’m too imobile to travel right now, so I sent her a huge bunch of scented daffs from the Scilly Isles to celebrate. That also makes it 2 years since the Ukraine War started. My #SixOnSaturday will feature some yellow and blue flowers, as well as hints of spring from the greenhouse.

The best of blue comes with iris reticulata. Got to love them, here another lovely specimen from one of my many pots, lovely with a few raindrops.

Last week’s pom-pom primula bud is starting to show a little colour, another lovely blue is arriving.

The very first of my tiny tete-a-tete daffodil have arrived in the window boxes.

Into the greenhouse, some tiny little lemons seem to have made it through the winter.

I have overwintered a few little plants that didn’t quit make it to the garden in autumn. A couple of chard are doing well. They will probably bolt before they get big, but maybe there will be enough for dinner from this pair.

Not sure yet whether these little pak choi seedlings, which will have a red-veined leaf, will be grown as early spring greens in the cosy greenhouse, or whether they will go outside at the end of March. Time will tell. Excited to see the stems looking a little red too.

I hope you enjoyed my ‘are we at the end of winter yet?’ picks for #SixOnSaturday this week. The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

7 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 24-2-24

    1. The lemon does pretty well, though I suspect it might drop the 3 little lemons — looks like flower buds are coming. I must admit I average about 3 useful lemons per year, but its fun.

  1. Pretty droplets on these irises. I also have a few chards in the garden, but they have been nibbled by slugs. I hope they will be able to survive… A happy birthday to your mother who is almost the same age as mine (87)

    1. Thanks hope Mum had fun, I couldn’t travel to see her this year, but I think she ad a good day. I don’t get too many slugs — lots of wild birds, I think the blackbirds and thrushes eat many.

  2. Hello from Ayrshire! I hope your mum has had a lovely birthday. Your pompom primula is going to be worth waiting for – it looks a lovely colour. How exciting to have lemons growing in the greenhouse! I’d love to be able to grow them but my greenhouse is unheated and I doubt the plant would make it through a winter. If you don’t mind me asking, is yours heated?

    1. My greenhouse in Fife is not heated much — I have water in there, so there is a small heater that comes on near pipes when it freezes…but tree does get down to -3 or -4 at other end of greenhouse. The lemon tree makes it just fine, with almost no water through the winter. It might be worth risking a small one.

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