Monthly Archives: June 2024

Six on Saturday 29-6-24

As flaming June draws to a close, I’ve noticed that despite the fact we;ve had just about 2 warm days this month, the flowers and tress have LOVED the cool weather. I guess that makes me happier about spending more time here in my own garden, this summer. To celebrate how much my flowers have enjoyed the weather, I’ve found a pink treat for my #SixOnSaturday this week.

First up, BANG, a new variety of cosmos has justed started to flower. This one seems to be cheekily winking at us.

In contrast, it is almost end-of-seaon time for foxglove, which have had a long cold end of spring to really do their thing. Yes, oddly, those are mushrooms in the background!

I love a poeny. Their season is short and they get blown flat as their blooms are so large. But what a gorgeous textured flower. Yummy.

A new venture for me this year (well actually last year as they are sown in early autumn) have been dianthus. I have quite a range, all grown from seed. This was a lovely addition to this year’s garden. This one is such a wonderful colour.

Always wonderful, full of tiny little detail, the blooms of this astrantia are the most delicate of pinks.

Last but not least. I have managed to overwinter a couple of zantedeschia. This one has just decide to flower, the swirly pink will deepen as the flower grows.

I hope you enjoyed my midsummer blooms. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

Six on Saturday 22-6-24

Amidst the bewlidering colour and growth in my still-chilyl Scottish garden, it is sometimes easy to overlook the value of white. Until the gloaming arrives (and there’s lots of that just 2 days after the summer solstice), when white really pops out. So to celebrate the peak of astronomical summer, my #SixOnSaturday feature white blooms this week (with the odd hint of colour).

The glorious foxglove will start the show, with dots of brown/purple to welcome in the pollinating bees.

A large garage wall, built from local stone, is the structure that a huge climbing geranium grows up. Just now it is a blur of gentle colour and fragance, and the occasional flurry of pigeons and blackbirds diving into the thick foliage to nest.

Wild daisies pop up all over the garden. These are probably from windblown seeds, as to be found in local field boundaries. About 1m high at times, they provide a bright splash of colour, even though they do tend to flop.

Hardy geranium have exploded this year. I do like this one. it forms a big mound, about 50cm x 50cm, and flowers it’s socks off.

Lovely lupins have been battered by recent storms. Some are still glowing. I’ll chop them down when finished, in the hope that they might bloom again.

For my last bloom this week, the water iris have lasted for many weeks this year. Here’s one against its watery backdrop. I love the gentle curves and the hint of purple along each petal.

I hope you enjoyed my pure midsummer blooms. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

Six on Saturday 15-6-24

12 dec C, mid-June, it has been SO cold. The veggies are suffering, but flowers blast on. This year seems particularly good for roses, perhaps they enjoyed the wet wet wet winter. It’s unusual for me to find six lovely roses in the garden all at once, but I did today, so here they are for #SixOnSaturday.

Many of my roses are very old shrub roses. This is one of them. Plate-sized gorgeous huge pink blooms with a delicious smell.

In contrast, a huge old rambler produces many many flowers, but only for a couple of weeks in June, also smelling fabulous.

I quite fancied a different sort of rose last year, so went for this ‘small climber’, in a dusk orange. It is really enjoying the cool summer so far.

On a very dry, west-facing stone wall, this white rose sits in the teeth of the prevailing weather, but seems to enjoy it.

Another small climber offers a delicate pink and sweet smelling blooms. I think this one is Lady of Shallot. Lots of lovely new buds too.

Last, this one blooms with a rich red, can’t wait to see it fully into flower.

Wow, I didn’t remember I had so many lovely roses until I went to look for them. What a haul. Hope you enjoyed the blooms. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon

Six on Saturday 8-6-24

Now that it’s June, my garden is bursting with colour and I’m fighting to keep on top of deadheading those plants who have done their thing. What to show you for #SixOnSaturday? It was hard to choose, so I’ve gone for a vague colour theme…..pinky-purples it is!

First up, the form of alliums can be almost perfect. This one shows off via a sphere of tiny stars, absolutely gorgeous.

Sometimes a slim splash of colour can really make a flower a joy. In the pond, we host a healthy population of Japanese water iris. This one, almost white, with a flick of purple, draws one in. It’s possible to gaze at this for a good while, somehow gently restful.

In a much drier area, 1m tall phlox offer a sweet smell and a cloud of fluffy pale lilac colour.

I am a huge fan of hardy geranium. This is one of my favourites, splashing it’s brightness around. Only in the warest year (probably not this one) can I get this variety to give a second flush of colour, but I will try later.

Another iris really caught my eye this week. I don’t have many of these, yet they pop right out against the green of the garden. A very different feel from the gentle beauty above, this one is bopping at a party.

Last this week, some of my huge poppies have spread to different parts of the garden. This one has showed as a pale pink bloom. Each flower is the size of my hand. Wow.

Did you like my pinky-purple colourful early summer selection for #SixOnSaturday this week? Hope you enjoyed the blooms. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon