Some sunny days, but we almost had a frost last night in eastern Scotland. Keep up the summer vibes!!! Here are another colourful late summer SixOnSaturday.
First up, I have come to remove the snap dragon. A friend gave me some seeds a couple of years ago, I’ve kept a few plants in the greenhouse, and propagated cuttings, seem to have lots of pots of these lovely flowers now.

There are some lovely dahlias still coming into their first blooms. I have a peach one with a strange virus or genetic defect, a single white petal.

Red dahlia are finally coming into their own. This one is almost a pillar box red, or even tomato, coming into its full cactus variety loveliness.

I do like a pink one too. This is a plant I grew from a seed, it has managed to make it to its second year, but flowering in September is leaving things rather late.

And for something a little different, finally zinnia has flowered. this year I sowed the seeds late-ish, in May, and left the pot in the greenhouse. It has finally delivered for me!

At the very end of the season I’m getting one or two interesting sunflower now. So many rotted before getting to flowers. this one has some lovely autumn tones.

I hope you enjoyed another burst of late summer colour. I’m aiming for a few more before the summer is done! I hope we can hold onto summer for a couple more weeks yet. And thanks to those leaving comments on the blog – sorry if I don’t always get back to you on time! The blog is going well, but it would be great if more folk on Mastodon, or other parts of the Fediverse got into tooting a Six! Go on, its a much kinder form of social media, not controlled by crazy billionaires. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at And I’m on mastodon