Category Archives: Gardening

Six on Saturday 11-3-23

That ‘polar vortex’ came down and got us. -6 deg C these last couple of a nights, and a sprinkling of snow. This week’s #SixOnSaturday is a shivery boundary between late winter and early spring.

First, I caught a pot of crocus and primula with the snow still on them. Astonishing how similarly purple these two very different flowers are.

Things are starting to stir in the (unheated) greenhouse. A new experiment this year was to sow some very early coriander a couple of weeks ago. It has germinated in there, and now is almost ready to scatter over a salad, I’ve sown another pot full today.

I’ve got around to clearing most of the winter wreckage from my main flower borders, to reveal a host of cheerful scilla. I love their blue-white flowers popping up to replace the snowdrops.

Clematis were hit hard by last year’s heat and dry spells. Having died back in August, I feared the worse for some. There’s hope yet though, here they come. The tiny specks of dew are what’s left when the snow thaws.

Having spotted my first little clump of native primrose on a recent walk, I hurried home to check the status of my garden varieties. This one is full of bud with a few burgundy flowers doing their thing. The tiny hairs all over the stem make an interesting close-up.

Last, but very much not least, spring has started for me as I have plucked my first posy of daffs from out of the garden. What a burst of golden joy.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 4-3-23

I was away last week visiting family, so sent just a very quick #SixOnSaturday post to Mastodon, which you find here. This week, I’m home in time for ‘spring’ — a cold snap is coming, but not quite yet, so there’s a chance to do some veg bed prep this weekend, before possible snow and ice. In the mean time, here are some promising signs of spring for my first #SixOnSaturday of the new month.

I’ve been waiting, and finally those tiny little red female flowers on the hazel here here, nestled at the top of each catkin.

I’m pleased to see the very first mini-daffs are flowering, amidst pulmonaria in full flower now.

Magnolia are having a slow start this year, but soon, soon their will break their buds. Meanwhile, the fluffy texture of the buds is very pleasing.

Another new iris for this year. These were much later to flower than the typical blue, or the plae yellow, but well worth the wait. I love the rich purple.

Perhaps just a bit too early, I do hope that the first few muscari don’t get blasted by snow and ice!

For this week’s finale, it is worth waiting a few years for hellebore to establish. I’ve been posting flowers from this one since they started to appear: now the plant is showing its full floriferous glory.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 18-2-23

I managed most of Friday in the garden this week. Although the wind was howling, there was lots of sun, a warm greenhouse, and a spring-like feeling, as I stripped out an old strawberry bed and got it ready for growing other stuff. But that’s a story for another day. For my #SixOnSaturday, I’m going to show some of the signs of life that are now appearing all over.

First, I’m so glad that I planted those fiddly little early iris bulbs. First up, a bright new variety, on show for the first time this year, I love them.

Second are more little iris. These are a more traditional colour for me, and they do pop up in tubs that I’d forgotten about, like this one.

I do admire the way that wallflower. slowing unfurl their flowers, one at a time. I can’t work out whether the buds start yellow and the petals turn fibrent red as they unfurl, or if I’m going to get a range of flowers colours. I love the furriness of the new buds too.

I did plant some new crocus too. They have been a bit slow to arrive, I do like the delicate lilac colour.

Higher up, male flowers, the catkins on a twisty hazel, have been going for a while now. Today was the first time I spotted those tiny, bright red, female flowers. There are a couple here, one to the left of the right-most catkin, the other further left, in the sunlight.

Later in the year, I know I will be infuriated, but today, I welcome the bright yellow on my garden’s first dandilion of the year.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 11-2-23

I have not had a lot of time for contemplation of the garden this week. There is the still-slow progress towards spring, bringing some cheer and Highway Robin has me fully trained now, he’s robbin’ me of all the birdseed. So my #SixOnSaturday is a medley of bits and pieces.

I’ll start with that lovely robin, who not only feeds from my hand, but come and sings by my shoulder if the feeders are not full (“where’s the food, get the food, gimme more”). Its hard not to imagine that this is a stern look, for failing to feed him — I was, in fact, trying to clear some of the flower beds.

Last week, I was excited to note that my favourite hellebore was about to flower. Here it is, I love the rich purple shades.

Greenhouse time is slowly increasing for me, partly as I’ve been a bit below-par and it’s easy garden ‘work’ (anyone else have a seemingly endless mild cough and general fatigue?), partly because it almost feels a bit warmish in there some days. I’ve overwintered my lemon tree successfully. There will be lemons for spring G-n-T’s.

I’m glad I wintered a few little chard plants. Garden ones have been heavily frosted. I’m hoping these will grow away soon, as there’s more daylight hitting the greenhouse, and we’ll have fresh spring greens.

I’ve had a strawberry bed for some years in a corner of my veg patch. The yield was a little disappointing in summer 2022. Perhaps it is time to refresh. Here are some runners that I’m hoping will get a head start, to be planted out in a few weeks time to form a new bed. I might treat myself to a few garden-centre plants as well, to give the season a boost.

The December cold spell must be responsible for a slow snowdrop season here. The weather has been mild for pretty much all of 2023 so far, yet the snowdrops are STILL going strong. These ones have a cute little ‘green bridge’ pattern on the inner petals when fully in flower, the details are a delight. Are we now at peak flowering? Time will tell.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 4-2-23

We’ve just passed the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox (know as Candlemass in the UK, Groundhog Day in the US), the nights are really drawing out, and my mood is gradually improving. Even better, I’ve found six ACTUAL FLOWERS to show you for my #SixOnSaturday this week.

Aconites always come early to greet the light. I don’t have many but their rich yellow makes them stand out proud.

The intense sweet musky smell of sarcococca is something I’ve never been sure of; the delicate little flowers are a winner though.

I grow pulmonaria as ground cover (to try and keep blueberry bushes moist). They make a very useful ‘first lunch’ for any bees around. I did spot a couple of honey bees the other day, I guess from my neighbours hive. Hope they got their lunch.

I was very pleased to have brushed away some moss and leaves while on a garden-tidy this week. A few clumps of crocus appeared. These are a pale, pale yellow that open up to a brighter colour with a hint of orange.

I waited ALL of January for the witch-hazel, finally it is in flower. there is something SO compelling about the tiny raggedy flowers that light up a dark corner of the front garden.

I’ve saved for last one of my favourite flowers of the year. A rich dark hellibore is coming (and being photobombed by a clump of snowdrops).

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 28-1-23

There’s no getting away from the fact that, as I get older, I like being cold less and less, which makes me pretty sick of January….but the dark-dark month is almost gone, and a sunny morning gave me a few things to choose from for a cheery #SixOnSaturday.

Hellibores are a little slow, but at least have some sparkly leaves as the frost melts.

I do keep coming back to hazel catkins, but they are more interesting than most other trees right now. Some blossoms bouncing in the morning breeze against a blue sky.

Fleshy leaved plants are holding their own against the cold weather. I don’t know that variety of huechera I have here. I found it growing as a ‘weed’ in my veg plot.

Talking of the veg garden, cavalo nero are one of the few veg I can overwinter. This one is full of frost but has a tiny single drop of water at the centre.

Though they look delicate, hardy geraniums are, well, doing the hardy thing. This one has cheeky little brown dots on the leaf edges.

And finally….ta da…..snowdrops are now FULLY doing their thing. A cheery start to the growing season.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. All you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 21-1-23

The light at this time of year can be magical: I’ll share some of that magic in my #SixOnSaturday. Goodness knows, I need it! I’m finding it hard to find much in the garden, except rest….rest from the endless growing. Perhaps just as well as I have lots of tidying to do before spring.

Starting with amazing light, I find it hard to capture in a photo. Then I noticed great swathes of light, sucked into reflection off the icy pond.

My second this week is a medley of icy bits and pieces on the lawn. As you can see my lawn is about 20% grass, 10% weeds (wildflowers) and 70% moss….looks nice with a scattering of leaves and some frost.

I have saved some foliage for a little winter interest, places for insects to hide, and generally the inability to tidy the garden yet. Phlomis seed heads do look lovely at this time of year.

There has been some cold clear weather this week, so my next two show off the beautiful blue sky. Rhododendron buds have a long way to go yet, but look at the BLUE.

It is good to keep looking up. Today there were chaffinch and even a bullfinch foraging on buds at the top of a tall whitebeam. The shape is picked out nicely against the cold blue sky.

It did get very cold…..back in the house new things are happening. My best pot of chilli seedlings so far are from seed I forgot to label. Big seeds, so perhaps from a big chilli? I’m hoping its Ohnivec (from, these were delicious last year.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 14-1-23

I’m crazy busy at work just now, but even with that to distract me, January is rather a drag. So many dull, wet days. Despite this, I’ve managed to find a bit of colour and form for this week’s #SixOnSaturday.

First up, some gorgeous form, from sempervivum. I just discovered these are known as ‘houseleeks’ because leek derives from anglo-saxon for plant, and they used to grow to thatched roofs….cute. What wonderful spikiness.

Next, some colour and form. My little lemon tree has been sheltering in the greenhouse since November. This winter is has 4 lemons, each are developing nicely.

Whilst I was also sheltering in the greenhouse, I spotted the shininess of a small chard plant, which is also wintering. I often pot these on when they start to grow in Feb/Mar to give lots of leaves in spring (though if its warm, the pots need to go out to stop the plants bolting.

The ground warmed up enough recently for me to harvest last year’s oca (also called New Zealand yam). I didn’t manage to harvest in December as we had a sharp cold-snap, and I’d feared they might be frosted, but quite a few have made it through. Currently they are stored in the chilly greenhouse. They are a great addition to stir fry meals, with a light, lemony, nutty flavour.

On my way out of the greenhouse my eye was drawn again to the pot of pansies that continue to give joy, whatever weather is thrown at us.

Not quite so much colour, but plenty of form, I’m excited to report that the very first snowdrop is in flower. Possibly good timing as snow is forecast for late this weekend.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. Al you need to do is find 6 things in your garden to show us. Then post on social, or add a link at Jim’s blog below. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 7-1-23

The first #SixOnSaturday of 2023. I wish I had a bit more enthusiasm for the new year, but with the entire UK infrastructure on its knees, a Govt that expects us not to notice, and the world full of wet, wind, darkness; hmm, it’s hard. But I managed to find a few bits of inspiration around the garden. Some lovely, some a little more basic.

First up, this doesn’t look much but it represents hope for the coming season. I always sow a few chilli seeds in the first week of the year. here they are, about to be placed onto a warm windowsill. Though given the temperature we run the house at during the day, i might need to pop on the electric propagator instead.

Next, despite a still-recovering tendon injury to my elbow, I managed a little pruning this week. Buddleja: here it is before the pruning. It’s trying to grow, but I fear for the whole plant due to wind-rock in our current stormy conditions.

Despite a range of frost, snow, rain, wind, viola are giving growth a go. No flowers, but this is a start.

I managed to catch the one sunny day in what feels like weeks to grab a bit more light for my remaining 3. Here’s sunrise along the garden wall on that morning: garden to the left, a farmer’s field of winter wheat to the right.

Honesty seed heads positively glow with sunlight behind them. This was close to noon: the sun is so low (11 deg) at this time of year.

Last but not least, here come the hazel catkins. These are always a joy to watch develop. Not in flower yet, and the tiny male one is not in site. But things are starting to stir.

I hope you enjoyed my #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. For regulars, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon

Six on Saturday 31-12-22

Every year we seem to reach the end of the year a bit faster than we did the previous year. The perception of time is a very odd thing. So here we are, Hogmanay, nearly the start of a whole fresh year. In a garden full of mud (another 4cm of rain last night, high winds, dark and gloomy) I’m struggling to raise a bit of garden joy, but have found a few little things to offer for my #SixOnSaturday.

The bay tree….quite a large one at 3m x 3m, appears to be happy with the constant switching between freeze and thaw, snow and water. It has buds.

Wallflower have been teasing me for weeks. The buds seems to sit still and sulk, perhaps that’s a good plan, given the weather.

Sarcococca, also about to flower. The blooms will be tiny but offer a strong honey scent…not quite yet though.

I like pieris best just before it flowers, when it holds dark red flower stems and buds. These are currently in their prime.

Viburnum, now here IS a wonderful shrub that is in full flowering mode at the end of the year. Looks closely and it is full of flower.

Last but not least, I knew it was a bit soon, but couldn’t help taking a sneaky look at the snowdrops. They will be a while to flower, but are beginning to green up.

I hope you enjoyed my end of year #SixonSaturday. Stay safe, take care out there, and don’t forget to follow the crowd on Mastodon. We are starting to get the sixes going on Mastodon (other instances in the Fediverse are available), but we need a few more folk to toot on the topic: come join us. For regulars online, our organiser is Jim at Also on twitter @JamesLStephens. And I’m now mostly on mastodon